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International Trailer Plate Information

David Edwards

Soon Britains registration plate suppliers will soon find themselves with a new opportunity thanks to the international trailer plate scheme. The DVLA will soon introduce The Trailer Registration Scheme for certain UK trailers being used internationally.

So what is the trailer registration scheme and why has it been introduced?

Trailer registration scheme is a DVLA service for certain UK trailers used internationally. It is being introduced as part of the UK’s ratification of the 1968 Vienna Convention and to address the issues already faced by customers using UK trailers abroad.

Will every trailer in the UK be registered?

No. Registration will be mandatory for all commercial use trailers travelling internationally that weigh over 750kg in gross weight. Registration is also mandatory for non-commercial use trailers that travel internationally and weigh over 3500kg in gross weight.

How will the trailer registration plate look?

The trailer registration mark will consist of one letter followed by 7 numbers. They must be grouped as one letter and three numbers followed by a group of four numbers e.g. A123 4567 in this layout:

  • Characters should be 64 millimetres in height;

  • Have a width of 44 millimetres, except for the character representing the number “1” and letter “I”, which must have a width of 10 millimetres;

  • Have a stroke width of 10 millimetres; and

  • Be separated by 10 millimetres from any other characters within a group. Groups of characters in the registration mark must be separated from one another by a space of 5 millimetres vertically.

  • The width of the margin between the top or lateral edges of the registration plate and any part of a character used to display a registration mark on it must be at least 5 millimetres.

  • The width of the margin between the bottom edge of the registration plate and any part of a character used to display a registration mark on it must be at least 13 millimetres.

Where can you buy a trailer plate?

If you need to purchase a trailer plate please contact us on or via phone on 01252 749808. You will need to provide proof of entitlement & registration as well as your trailer registration certificate or aa eV948 form. You can view a full list of accepted documentation here.

To register your trailer for international travel visit

As a plate supplier, how do i make trailer plates?

As with standard plates, you will need to be RNPS registered. Our software allows you to manufacture these trailer plates. For more information on this please contact our sales team on or via phone on 01252 749808.

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